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Relationship: 6 Key Characteristics of a Godly Woman

A Godly woman is a reflection of Christ.-By Lauren McKeithen

The Bible has a lot to say about godliness for both men and women. Godliness manifests itself in our lives when we are in control of our appetites and desires. We live in a cosmopolitan culture and must resist the ungodly influence around us. The Bible also says that we are to live Godly lives as women so that our lives will reflect our relationship with God. If we live our lives as Godly women, we show God that we love Him, and our behavior could also influence other women to live in a Godly way. So what are the essential characteristics of a Godly woman?

She Has Good Intentions Toward Others

A Godly woman has pure intentions towards others because she fears God and is secure in Him. God calls us to love, even when it’s not easy, or someone is unloveable. God has commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves, but we can only do so if our relationship with Jesus is strong and we deal with our insecurities. God’s Word shows us how we should live our lives and treat others so that we’ll obey God’s commandments concerning our relationship with them. When we love others, we’ll want the best for them at all times and consider their feelings before we act. A Godly woman should positively impact the lives of others. Proverbs 31:20 says she opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. A virtuous woman of God finds her courage in the Lord and isn’t afraid of what’s to come.  She offers kindness to those around her, even strangers.

She’s a Hard Worker

Integrity is one’s character, and a woman of Godly character takes pride in the work of her hands. Proverbs 31:13 says she works with eager hands; 1 Corinthians 10:31 says whatever you do, do it for all the glory of God. Work isn’t always pleasurable but whatever you do, do it as if you’re doing it for the Lord. Working for the Lord means not cutting corners or taking the easy way out. A Godly woman puts in the extra effort when no one’s watching, and there’s no prize at the end. Working hard and giving your best work no matter what you’re doing tells of your heart’s moral fibers.

She’s Loyal

In modern times, loyalty seems rare, but it’s something to be honored and highly regarded. Loyalty isn’t just the act of being faithful to your romantic partner, but it’s the act of being authentic despite the circumstances. Ruth showed the perfect example of loyalty; in the book of Ruth, Ruth became a widow and her sister-in-law. Their mother-in-law, Naomi, was grief-stricken but released the women to go back to their father’s home if they wanted. Oprah ultimately left, but Ruth decided to take a different route. She stayed with Naomi because she committed to the Lord and Naomi’s family in marriage. Ruth and Boaz later married, and God blessed her life because she chose to be loyal to God and her word.

She Has Wisdom

Wisdom is often talked about in a feminine context. The entire book of Proverbs refers to wisdom as a woman. Although knowledge isn’t confined only to women, it’s no coincidence that wisdom is referred to in a feminine sense. Perhaps it’s to show that learning in itself is to be soft and graceful in approach. Proverbs 31:26 says that she speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue. A Godly woman is slow to speak because she thinks about what she wants to say before telling. In Judges, God called Deborah to be a judge for Israel and work on behalf of God. In every instance, she didn’t rely on her strength. Instead, she leaned on God’s strength and instruction. This is where true wisdom is rooted, in guidance from God through the Holy Spirit. When we seek God’s wisdom in all areas of our lives, we will see transformation in our lives and within the people, God is growing us to become.

She’s Joyous

The direct translation of Proverbs 31:25-26 is more revealing of the true meaning than most translations because it shows that she’s clothed with strength and dignity and she can rejoice in the future. Regardless of the circumstances, a Godly woman can hold on to her joy. Her joy isn’t rooted in her happiness from shifting shadows from one day to the next. Instead, her happiness is rooted within Christ. Romans 8:28 says that everything that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and fit into His plans, and a Godly woman knows that this is true. Momentary troubles are irrelevant compared to the joy that will come in the Lord in this life and the next.

She Has Faith

A woman with great faith in the Lord is something to aspire to become. Elizabeth, John the Baptist’s mother, was a woman of great faith. In Luke 1:45, she says that those who believe the Lord will fulfill His promise are blessed. Elizabeth was past the age where women typically had children. Still, God granted her desires, and she got pregnant despite her age. She believed in great faith despite her age, circumstances, or what she saw around her at the time. Due to her faith, God gave her a son. When a woman chooses to divert from the mainstream of what the world says and dwells in God, He will radically change her life. God will guard her in what He thinks of her, and she will follow His lead.

Godly woman is also patient and understands that not everyone has the same relationship with God. Still, she doesn’t judge those who don’t know God as she does. Instead, she leads them to God with her character and integrity. As a Godly woman, the main thing to remember is that she doesn’t care about what the world thinks. The only thing she’s concerned about is what God thinks of her.

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