Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds

24/7 Doxa Content-4th September-Have A Strong Focus

24/7 DOXA Content 2017
MONDAY, 4th September


James 1 vs
8.¶A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.~| KJV|

HAVE you ever seen someone who started many projects and never brought them into fruition? There are folks in life who start something and never finish it. Those folks are suffering from double-mindedness. Yes, such people always have broken-focus. One of my mentors in the Lord has rightly said that “The only reason that men fail is broken focus”.Beloved, one secret of success is concentration or focus. Whenever you lose focus on a good course failure is knocking at your door. But refuse to open it*.

We all have glorious destinies in Christ but whether you succeed or fail depends much on you. Jesus said anyone who holds a plough and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God (Luke 9:62). This principle is true in almost all aspect of life. Having a strong focus is holding on to the plough (that’s your divine assignment or goals) to the end despite seemingly challenges. Hold on to it till you see its success. For a double mind is unstable in all his ways.

Have a fixed mental attitude on what God wants for your life and live it. Even though challenges may pop up, it shouldn’t sway your focus. Focus is a law, stick to it. Let the power of your focus on success be stronger than your challenges. To fulfill anything worthwhile in life you need to build a persistent strong focus. Besides, protect your focus. Guide it. Let your purpose consume you to the extend that it always keeps you on your toes. You’ve made a pledge to success, cherish it and fulfill it by staying focus. The amazing grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

I refuse to be a double minded person. I have a strong focus in fulfilling my assignment and goals on earth. As a master builder, I refuse to turn to the left on the right. My eyes is fixed on the prize of the higher calling. I refuse to give up or give in to anything less. I am set on course for greatness in Jesus Name. Hallelujah !

Enjoy a Fruitful Monday !

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