Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds

24/7 DOXA Content, 25th January-THE THREE DIMENSIONS


24/7 DOXA Content 2018

THURSDAY, 25th January



Matthew 6 vs
13.■”for Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen”-|NKJV|

 JESUS was teaching on prayer and He unveiled to us a model often known as the “Lord’s Prayer”. Brethren, a careful and revelatory study of this prayer is so powerful. And Jesus concludes saying “for Yours is the KINGDOM, and the POWER and the GLORY forever.” He reveals the three powerful dimensions of the majesty of Papa God. *Here, the kingdom is the government of God; the power is the supernatural ability found in God; the glory is the presence of God.* First let’s talk about the Kindgom, which implies the government of God.

His government unveils His domain, systems and principles for reigning. The body of Christ must understand this governance of God that it should first rule in their lives and also spread abroad to the world. There is a way in which God’s kingdom operates and we are the ones to transmit the kingdom life and agenda on earth. *Anywhere you find yourself, make sure you don’t hide the Kindgom life in you.* The POWER dimension reveals the supernatural ability found in God. However, through Christ we have access to that power to live a supernatural life on earth. *Christianity without God’s power is mere decorated religion.*
Cherished one, there is an aura of power that must surround your life as a Christian. Sin, failure, poverty, death, demons and curses should not be so comfortable in your world. For God’s power is able to repel the works and power of the devil. The last dimension is the GLORY of God. The glory unveils to us the presence of God. The ability of a Christian to persistently carry and manifest the presence of God makes him a champion in life.* It is within the presence that you embrace a life of the miraculous and experience a real personal intimacy with God. If don’t want to live a dry Christian life, then catch the revelation of these kingdom perspectives of the government, power and glory of God in your life. Yearn for them always. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Glorious Father, thank You for unveiling to me the higher dimensions of the glorious life in You. I humbly submit to the dictates of Your Kingdom, Power and Glory to have a permanent reign over my life in all I do. I walk in Your governance, power and presence in Jesus Name. Amen!_
*♡♡Enjoy A Glorious Thursday !♡♡*
*Your Personal Prayer Alert :*
_Pray that God would unveil to you a deeper understanding of His Kingdom, Power and Glory._
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