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Impacting Evolving Minds

24/7 DOXA Content-26th November-STRENGTHEN THE FEEBLE

24/7 DOXA Content 2017
SUNDAY, 26th November


Hebrews 12 vs
12.¶Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees.- |NKJV |_

AS LOVELY and unified God desires the Church to be, it will be a great error to think that all members are of equal level of strength. As we journey through life, some gradually become weary and weakly. Jesus said some are crushed by the cares of this life, deceitfulness of riches, the lust of this world (Mark 4:19). Due to this, there are some symptoms of feebleness and weakness at times which must be dealt with. Some include a loss of appetite for God’s word. Such folks feel so lazy or too busy to read or study the Bible or devotional.

Another is a decreased taste for the things of God; such folks lose desire to associate with God’s people in fellowship. Also, a loving crave for secular stuff instead of godly stuff. If these signs are seen, consult your God, Pastor or Christian friend as early as possible to avoid any “casualties”. Because the earlier you deal with them the better. Moreover, there are those who are always on their ground for the Lord no matter what happens. Yes, the strong and standing must encourage the weak and feeble ones. Those standing should not pull, disregard or criticise or talk about how unspiritual someone is or becoming, but should find ways of helping them.

Ecclesiastes 4:9,10 reads ” two is better than one…for if one falls one will lift the other up but woe to him who is alone.” There is strength in unity. The bibles says “… a living dog is better than a dead lion” (Eccl 9:4). Yes, a feeble hand is better than a dead one because it can be strengthened again. Cherished one, don’t write a “feeble” brother or sister off. Don’t condemn him or her because we are all standing by grace and mercy and not by our strength. Pray for them and with them; invite or call them to Church services. Give them gifts. Besides, treat all symptoms of feebleness and weariness with the persistent dose of God’s word, prayer and continual fellowship with the brethren in love. Let’s strengthen the hands that hang down and feeble knees in love. This is our responsibility. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you in a greater measure. Amen!

Dear Father, in Your presence there is fullness of joy, power and mighty strength. I am not of them who draw back to perdition but of them who stand strong in the grace of the Lord. I declare my hands and knees strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit from glory to glory in Jesus Name. Amen!

Enjoy A Strengthened Sunday !

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