24/7 DOXA Content 2018
FRIDAY, 15th June
Hebrews 6 vs
13,14.■” For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, 14 Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee.~《KJV》
OUR WALK with God must come to the point where we see the seriousness of God in all things. He is serious with all He says and does. He is not a joker or comedian. He has your best interest at heart and mind. *He cares about all that concerns you* (1 Pet 5:7). Even we as humans when speaking sometimes want to prove our seriousness or sincerity or commitment to what we have said. The most High exhibited such attitude towards Abraham concerning blessings.
He went to the extent that He swore by Himself. His promises are always yea and Amen. Come to think of it, what would cause the Almighty God to swear by Himself because of man’s blessing ? Lets consider some reasons here. 1. Unlike man, He has no limitations or weakness. So it is needful He swore by Himself. 2. Also, He wanted to establish an unending link between divinity and humanity through Abraham (Gal 3:19). 3. Because He couldn’t find anyone living greater than Himself. 4. To show Abraham how serious He is to bless him and his descendants.
Swearing by Himself also means that He wants you to trust only Him. By given you Jesus, His promise of blessings to Abraham is fulfilled in your life and your descendants (Gal 3:19). One thing that makes me love God is that He has foresight and blesses you and your generation to come (Gen 12:3). God would go any length to proclaim blessing on His children. As a matter of truth, God delights in blessing His Children (1Pet 3:9). That’s why He started blessing from creation in Genesis 1:28 “And God BLESSED them”. Live with this consciousness that God has blessed you with the blessing of Abraham because you are in Christ. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
_Dear Ever-Blessed Father, thank You for blessing me and making me a blessing to my generation and those yet unborn. I am a dispenser of Your blessings.I am blessed. My blessing has no bounds because it is resting on Your oath in Jesus’ Name. Amen!_
*◇ Enjoy A Blissful Friday ◇*
Personal Prayer Alert
_Pray and place a demand on God’s integrity concerning blessings._
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