Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds

24/7 DOXA Content, 12th February-RISE ABOVE THEM

24/7 DOXA Content 2018
MONDAY, 12th February



Mark 6 vs 
_»»3.■Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And aren’t his sisters here with us?” And so they took offense at him.-[NET]«« ||_

MANY of us have got backgrounds or past lives that we can’t happily shout about in public. Yes, naturally, you may not love to even boast of them. At best, you could trace your ancestry to no one who has made any significant impact spiritually, physically, financially, or materially. All you may see is just ordinary or normal impact. Well, you may not be the only person to have faced that. Many great men and women in Bible history and real life did face such things. But they never accepted to remain in them. For instance, our Lord Jesus was criticized and falsely accused in various ways, yet He rose above them.

Even to the extent that when He fully entered into ministry, they still questioned His identity, deity and relation with God (Luk 4:22; Mark 6:3). That’s the world for you. If they see you do not fit in their box and category yet your exploits cannot be denied, they will like to relegate you to the background. *However, they can’t put light in a box; as the light of the world, we shine brighter no matter what or who comes our way.* Apostle Paul faced similar situation but the scripture says He _“increased the more in strength” (Acts 9:22)._ Thus, he rose above their accusations.

No matter the mistakes done in your relationship, marriage, ministry, business, etc that have robbed your of joy in life, in Christ is the best place to graciously get back to the top again. *Because in Him there is much strength for the weak, prosperity for the poor, joy for the sorrowful, replenishing for the abused and misused.* Friend, it’s normal for people to describe you by your past but that’s not what God sees as long as you are not there anymore. The best thing to do is, one, ignore such folks and move on. Two, don’t give them your attention. Moreover, you should be mentally strong and tough and focused. *Keep rising above the numerous criticisms, negativities, past life and the castigation of the devil.* For you are seated together with Christ in the heavenly places (Eph 2:6). The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always

When all men say there a casting down,I boldly declare there is a lifting up. For the Lord is the strength of my life and lifter up of my head. I rise above all the criticisms, accusations, curse and negativities of this world. Even in all these, I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus who loved me. I am far above and highly advancing in Jesus’ Name. Hallelujah

*◇ Enjoy A Fruitful Monday ◇*

*Personal Prayer Alert 
_Pray that God’s Spirit would lift you up above every standard set by the enemy,society and circumstances “._

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