Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds


2 Corinthians 4 vs
5.》For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake.~《NKJV》


EVERY CHRISTIAN in the world has been sent with the great commission to go into the world to preach the gospel of our Lord JESUS CHRIST (Mt 28:18,19). Yes, it is Jesus that the unbelievers need and not your church doctrines. The only way a sinner could have dominion over sin is to believe in Christ Jesus. Therefore it is an error to preach to the sinner to stop his sins outside of Christ. If the sinner could stop sinning by his own power or ability, then the essence of the death and resurrection of Christ is needless.

Jesus said “Go ye into all the world, and preach the GOSPEL to every creature. He that BELIEVES and is baptized shall be SAVED.” (Mark 16:15)._ First, we are admonished to preach the Gospel. The gospel means the good news or glad tidings. It’s about Christ, the only begotten Son of God who died to save you from all your sins (Rom 5:6-8). And whosoever believes this gospel shall be saved (John 3:16). The gospel goes beyond behaviour modification or religious and moral education. The gospel is Christ, His finished works and all that He stands for.

Focus on preaching Christ to the lost. He never told you to change anyone with your church doctrines or personal philosophies.* There is enough power in the gospel to change the person (Rom 1:16). Beloved, when we present the “real” gospel of Christ to the world, we will see great transformation than this. In your quest to win souls for Christ, understand what the salvation message entails. It revolves around the person of the Messiah and His finished works for humanity, not the works of any man or church (Acts 4:12). The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

Dear Father, I thank You for giving me insight into the salvation message. By the help of the Spirit I minister the real gospel of Christ to my sphere of contacts. I present to them the Personality not things. Through my preaching of the gospel, many are being saved in in Jesus’ Name ! Amen!

◇ Enjoy A Beautiful Sunday with Jesus◇

Prayer Alert:
Pray that God’s Spirit is helping you to unveil Christ in His totality to save sinners.

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