Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds


24/7 DOXA Content 2018
THURSDAY, 27th September


Luke 19 vs
46》It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves. “~《KJV》_

JESUS CHRIST and the early disciples exemplified a genuineness of being called into ministry. Therefore his way of ministry is the best model to emulate. If you are called as an apostle, pastor, prophet, evangelist, teacher or singer or into any of the ministry of helps, it is best to pattern your ministry after the Lord Jesus, not fame or money. When Jesus saw people buying and selling at the Temple court, He drove them out. Yes, He stopped that business (John 2:13-16).

Jesus’ reaction to their attitude speaks volumes of revelation. First, the main purpose of building the Temple was not for financial or business gains. In other words, God’s house is not a place for merchandise but ministry or worship. He told them, “It is written, My house is the house of prayer…” (Luke 19:46). Therefore one purpose of God’s Temple is prayer. Prayer is a form of ministry unto the Lord. PRAYER is when you engage in spiritual communion or communication with your heavenly Father. Henceforth, nothing like buying or selling should replace that.

Buying and selling stuff deal with material or business gains but the house of the Lord is built to engage in spiritual gains or exercises. Cherished one, God’s house is not a marketplace of buying and selling material or worldly stuff. But it’s a place for engaging in “spiritual transactions” with Papa God through Christ. Be spiritually minded anytime you find yourself in God’s Temple. Seek to be empowered, taught and enlightened about the things of God, not just carnal things. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

Dear Wise Father, I thank You for enlightening me on the essence of Your Temple. I humbly submit to engage in spiritual transactions with You where I minister to you in prayer and word studies. I therefore enjoy the benefits of this ministry in Jesus Name. Amen!

◇ Enjoy An Enlightened Thursday ◇

Prayer Alert:
Pray that God’s Spirit would continually enlighten you to take advantage of the house of the Lord.

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