Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds


Romans 1 vs
16》》”For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”~》》KJV》


WHAT is the best antidote to all the wickedness in this world? The only solution is for all inhabitants to be SAVED. This is why God sent His Son to bring the redemption plan. God has done everything for the total redemption and freedom of mankind from the kingdom of darkness. His loving heart revealed that He is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). So salvation is the total will of God. Titus 2: 11 enjoined that “the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people.”

This salvation grace is revealed to us in the Gospel of Christ. It is within the Gospel that we see the depths of God’s love and grace freely given to us. And God has commissioned believers to spread the Gospel of grace to all mankind. And one of Satan’s agenda is to make people ashamed to proclaim the finished works of Christ. *But the Spirit through Apostle Paul clearly unveils that we can stand boldly and never be ashamed of the Gospel.* To be ashamed means feeling uncomfortable and dishonored about a thing because of the reproach or ridicule that comes with it.

But boldly declaring “I am not ashamed” means you are proud, honoured and thrilled about the good news (the message of goodness, ease and well being). The gospel is God’s POWER unto SALVATION of everyone who believes. Yes, it takes the power of God to come upon a man to set him free from the power of Satan. However, it is when you preach it that this power is released to affect lives. Cherished one, it is a shame to be ashamed of spreading His gospel. So rise up to the calling to spread the Gospel with all boldness and energy of the Holy Spirit in you. Do it, refuse to be ashamed. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

_Dear Father of Good News, I am forever grateful for the Gospel of Christ. I thank You for sending Your Son to die for me even when I was a sinner. Thank You for not been ashamed to call me Your child. I am also never ashamed to spread Your good news to the world. I thank You for the great opportunity and empowerment to partake of this ministry of reconciliation in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen !_

*◇ Enjoy A Glorious Wednesday ◇*

Prayer Alert:
_Pray for God’s greater empowerment and boldness to preach the gospel to your world of contact._
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