Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds


1 Peter 5 vs
7》》 ” Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”~》》NKJV》

THE journey of life sometimes comes with challenges ranging from diverse situations. However, you must know that you are never alone in this life. As a New Creation, you must always take admonishment and inspirations from the unfailing word of God despite challenges. Our focal text admonishes us to be casting all our burdens or cares upon God. In other words, make it a point not to solve the challenges of this life by your own ability and wisdom; cast them upon God. He has the best solutions ever.

He knows your end from the beginning. He sees your future as a history. And with Him all things, not some things, are possible.Casting your care upon God means consciously throwing or placing them upon Him at every time. Yes, God knows what you’re going through; He knows the battles you’re fighting; But you must consciously engage Him in your affairs. The other part reveals why you should be casting your cares upon Him: “for He cares for you”. Yes, this is good news. The Almighty God cares for you. He doesn’t forget you.

“Care for you” as used here means God takes interest in and around you. Thus, whatever concerns you matters to God. God is not blind to your interest, worries, burdens and challenges. Never think God is not interested in you or your affairs. He is very much interested in you and your affairs. That’s why He sent Jesus Christ a total package for all life’s challenges. You can’t cast your cares upon God and still walk in worry or anxiety. If you cast them upon God, then your case is settled. Walk and grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and fight the good fight of faith for glorious success. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

Caring and Generous Father, I thank You for the lovely concern You have towards me. You take great interest in and around me. All that concerns my life concerns You because You are my beloved Father. I keep on casting all my cares upon You. And since You care for me, all my needs are supplied through Your ability and riches in Christ Jesus. Amen !

*◇ Enjoy A Favoured Friday◇*

Prayer Alert:
_Pray that every challenges you cast upon God comes with glorious solutions and testimonies._
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