24/7 DOXA Content , 31st December-THE IMPACT OF GOD’S WORD
2022 Saturday
_____________________________________FOCAL TEXT: John 15:3►► “You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.”~| NKJV |_____________________________________
BLISSFUL greetings, Cherished one. Glory be to the only wise God whose wisdom and power created this world in all creativity and splendor. The God who knows the end from the beginning. The Lord who is beyond description and comprehension. The finest of minds cannot fully define His fullest depth of wisdom and knowledge. The “invisible-visible” God has lavished on us His unfeigned love, grace, mercy, power, truth and kindness and we will never take them for granted . All Praises and glory to Him forevermore.
As we climax the year 2022 according to human Calendar, we ought to know that God is not bound by human Calendar. Yes, it is not necessarily 2022 in heaven. He is not bound by human Calendar because He exists before time began. He defines time and the essence thereof. One reflective question to ask is “what impact did I allow God’s word to have over my life”? The Christ unveiled in our focal text that the disciples are cleansed (sanctified or purified) because of the Word He had spoken to them. This implies that God’s word has a glorious effect on your entire life. In 2022, what impact did God’s word have on your spirit, your inner man? Does the mention of God’s word irritate you or ignites your spirit for more of the things of God?
Also in the area of thinking and mindset; What renewing mindsets did you receive from the Word ? Has your thinking been affected positively? Do you live by mind of Christ or traditions of men or the rudiment of this world? What impact did you allow the Word to have on your body? Are you taking good care of your body or you’re trivializing it anyhow? *Beloved, you can really examine the all-round blessed impact of God’s word over every area of your life. God’s word is very powerful and has the ability to transform anyone from shame to glory.* Do these self-checks and make amends in the coming days. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always. Amen !
_Dear Father, I thank You for guiding and teaching me by the power of Your Word. By Your word my spirit is alive unto Your purpose; my minds keeps on being renewed in glory and my body flourishes in the beauty of Your wisdom. I enjoy all-round blessed benefits of Your unfailing Word in all facets of my life in the Blessed Name of Yashuah Messiah. Amen!_
_Pray and thank God for the all-round impact of His word in all endeavours of your life._

_*You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.*_
FURTHER STUDY: Hebrews 4:12,13
*Enjoy A Blissful Saturday*

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