Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds


24/7 DOXA Content 2018
FRIDAY, 2nd March


Proverbs 23 vs
18.■”For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.”~《KJV》

Challenges are temporal and never permanent because there is always a brighter side of whatever you go through. However, you need to engage the power of expectation. Glorious expectation implies what you are hoping or waiting for in faith. The moment you walk in glorious expectations presupposes that you have sown certain seeds. Expect the harvest or fruits of those seeds. Your long standing prayers, dreams, goals, visions, divine assignment have in them great fruifulness.

However, your hope should first be in the Lord and His faithfulness to cause your expectations to manifest. You must believe that God answers your prayers and your dreams will never die. Your goals will be fulfilled. Because God’s word says the expectation of the righteous person shall not be cut off. The farmer is not just interested in sowing seeds because he is supposed to but because he has a harvest in mind. *The joy of glorious harvest causes him to sow the best seeds.* After planting, he doesn’t forget to expect a harvest. He waits in due time for his harvest.

This scenario is a best principle for successful living. Many even forget the seeds they sow and never expect returns. Cherished one, it is biblical to expect a harvest of the good seeds you’ve sown. Natural laws even agree to sowing and reaping time. Expectation is the engine for manifestation. Never believe in a life of “whatever is meant to be will be.”* Be in a glorious state of expecting the goodness of God to manifest experientially in every aspect of your life. Don’t kill your dreams, pursue them and gloriously expect fulfillment from the Lord. The grace of our Lord JESUS Christ be with you always.

In the Name of Jesus Christ , my expectation and hope in the Lord shall never be cut off. I trust and rely on His faithfulness for super-abundant provisions in fulfilling my assignment. My goals and visions are coming to pass by the power of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!

◇ Enjoy A Fulfilling Friday◇

Personal Prayer Alert 
Pray that God’s Spirit is causing every divine goal, vision, and assignment birthed in you to be fulfilled.

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