Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds

24/7 DOXA Content, 28th October -BEING FED WITH KNOWLEDGE

FOCAL TEXT:  Jeremiah 3 vs 15
►► ”And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.~|NKJV|    
FAVOURED greetings, Cherished one. One way to identify a Pastor or Shepherd after God’s heart is that he believes in Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God. Such a shepherd lives and patterns His life after   Jesus Christ. *He believes the teachings of the Christ, preaches the same and practises the same. He learns from  Christ because He is total embodiments of God’s will, knowledge and wisdom.* (Matthew 11:29; Colossians 2:3). He models his entire life after Christ because He is the great and good Shepherd.

*Any pastor or shepherd who is not rooted in Christ cannot feed God’s people with right knowledge.* He will give them fables, superstitions, traditions of men, personal experiences, instead of truths based on knowledge. Many souls have been “poisoned” with religious and superstitious mindsets because their shepherds are doing their own bidding not that of the Christ. Beloved, it is not every “food” that you should eat as a child of God. If your shepherd does not have the qualities above, you can be “poisoned” with any food.

It’s not every direction that you go as a child of God. It is lack of knowledge that makes God’s people perish, not lack of ‘prayers and fasting.’ Mostly, Bible study sessions receive less attention and attendance unlike prayer and prophetic gathering; this explains why many still remain babies in Christ. *As a pastor, feeding God’s people with knowledge is borne out of your love for God and the people.* Jesus said to Peter “If you love me feed my sheep” (John 21:17). Go for knowledge first and you will rooted in Him. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.

_Dear Father, I thank You for feeding me with knowledge through Your shepherd sent to me. I graciously and intentionally stay rooted in growing and maturing in the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom in the Blessed Name of Jesus Christ. Amen !_

_Pray and thank God’s Spirit for using His sent shepherd to feed you with the right knowledge._

_*You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.*_

FURTHER STUDY: Hosea 4:6,7

    *Enjoy A Favoured Friday*


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