Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds


Acts 16 vs
30》》”And he brought them out [of the dungeon] and said, Men, what is it necessary for me to do that I may be saved? 31 And they answered, Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ…and you will be saved, you and your household as well.”》》AMP》

OUR focal text is an event which happened in the book of Acts. The keeper of the prison encountered the supernatural act of God through the ministry of Paul and Silas when they were imprisoned for preaching the gospel and performing miracles. What he saw was above his professional experience and caused him to tremble. The man asked the most important question ever in history _”what must I do to be saved?_ Have you ever asked this question?

There is always something to do in order to saved. Yes, Christ has died for the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:1-2), but that doesn’t mean you are automatically saved. You must make a personal decision to approve and accept His person into your life. And the only best answer to the man’s question is, _“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved”._ Hallelujah! *So simple but powerful. It carries an eternal value for eternal transformation.* This is the truth; your belief in the Lord Jesus Christ is what authenticates your salvation.

To believe in Lord Jesus Christ means giving yourself up to Him or entrusting your entire self into His keeping. It also means to be fully persuaded or convinced in Him as Your Master and personal Saviour. To believe is a conviction which causes you to take action based on that conviction. If you believe in the Lord Jesus, you will confess or proclaim Him as your Lord and Saviour; You will walk in the spiritual conviction that God truly raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9,10). *This is the sure way to be saved. Salvation comes from believing the Person of Jesus Christ, not rules or commandments.* The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

_Precious Lord Jesus Christ, I truly believe in You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I am truly persuaded, convinced and entrust in You for my eternal salvation. You died but rose again and lives forevermore. Thank You for rescuing me from danger and eternal damnation and penury. I am forever blessed in Your Salvation. Hallelujah !_

*◇ Enjoy A Beautiful Sunday ◇*

Prayer Alert:
_Pray for those who are not saved to encounter a supernatural experience that will lead to their salvation._
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