Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds


Colossians 3 vs
14》 “But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. ~”》》NKJV》

LOVELY greetings to you, Cherished one. When you keep on pressing towards understanding and living the word of God, you will come to the level where you truly know the meaning of life; and the virtues that make life enjoyable. Our focal text unveils a subject matter of love. When you hear of love, what comes to your mind? Remember, as a Christian you don’t define virtues based on your own understanding or worldly standards. *As a New Creation, you are destined to know, see and submit to the perspectives of God’s word.*

Love is such a glorious virtue that hails from Papa God; Love is so beautiful and vital that it is God-personified (1 John 4:16). So to really understand love and walk in it effectively, you must dwell in God (1 John 4:20). Being in God through Christ is the best platform to learn how to express love to others. God does it best to mankind despite all our flaws. According to our focal text, we are admonished to put on love. One rendition says “clothe yourselves with love”. In other words, choose to make love your garment and wear it. It is only when you’ve put on love as a garment that you can walk in it.

God’s Spirit is teaching us to express the love of God in us to others (Romans 5:5). We must not keep love just in our hearts. Express it. Make others feel and enjoy love. Put on love because everyone needs love. The love described here is “agape”. *The love which stretches beyond the mistakes, flaws, and weaknesses of a person. It sees the best in others and helps them to bring them out.* Beloved, have you put on love? Is love your garment? Reject the cloth of hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, envy, jealousy and any unlovely life. Bring out the love in you for others to enjoy the benefits of love. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is with you always.

Father of Love, I thank You for loving and showing me to do the same to others. Your love is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit. Therefore I graciously choose to express love to my sphere of contact. I refuse to be ruled by hatred, unforgiveness, bitterness and unlovely life. I am destined to love others. Love is my garment in Jesus Lovely Name. Amen!

*◇ Enjoy A Love Wednesday◇*

Prayer Alert:
_I Pray that God’s Spirit is empowering me to express the love of God shed abroad in my heart._
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