Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds


Mark 16 vs
17》”These are some of the signs that will accompany believers: They will throw out demons in my name, they will speak in new tongues,”~《The Message Bible》

GRACEFUL greetings to you, Cherished one. Believing in Christ puts you in a different class where demons becomes subjects unto you. And remember, Jesus never left the Church at the mercy of demons and their manipulations. Yes, Christians are not left vulnerable to demons, witchcraft, sicknesses, diseases, occultic powers, black magic and the likes. Jesus showed you what to do them in our focal text. Exercise authority over them. You have a personal responsibility to deal with any evil spirit and power of darkness based on the authority of Christ vested in you.

It is not the responsibility of Jesus to exercise authority over them, because He had already done that and He is showing you (Colossians 2:15). Are you going through any situation that defies your own reasoning or ability? Are you been attacked in your sleep? Are you having strange encounters that put fear in you? Don’t take them as normal and ignore them. Cast any evil thoughts, incantation and enchantment of demons out in the Name of Jesus Christ. Therefore, you must know the revelation behind the Name Jesus. Because the Name is used by revelation not just by recitation.

And you are commanded to drive out devils in the Name of Jesus, not in your name, power, anointing or holiness. Jesus has given the Church the audacity to use His Name because His Name is power. His Name is authority. His name is highly exalted above every other Name. Demons tremble and bow before the Name. If demons could not resist the early disciples when they used the Name Jesus, they cannot resist you either (Acts 3:6). Use the Name by revelation and no demon or situation can stand before you. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.

Precious Father, I thank You for given me the Name that’s above every other name. I take charge of my life relying on the command of Jesus Christ. I exercise authority over any assaults and agents of the devil and their manipulations. I triumph and reign in victory forever in Jesus Blessed Name. Amen!

◇ Enjoy A Gracious Wednesday ◇

Prayer Alert:_Thank your Father for given you the Name Jesus to triumph over any evil forces in this life.
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