Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds


Colossians 1 vs
13》》” Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:”~》》KJV》


Blissful greetings to you, Cherished one.
THE MORE you know what God did for you through Christ, the more lively and wise you become in life. The life of a Christian is not one to be pitied, but one to be attracted and enjoyed. You are superior to anything in this world. You must always remember that the moment you receive Jesus, there is a sudden change of position and status. Our focal text says that you are delivered from the power of darkness. Thus, you have been rescued or dragged from danger and destruction. The Greek word translated “power” in our focal text is “exousia” which means “authority”.

There is a certain kind of authority that the kingdom of darkness has over its citizens but in Christ you are delivered from such authority of devil, his cohorts and of sin. Therefore the devil or darkness has no legal right to control your life anymore. Anything ungodly is not permitted to molest or manipulate your life. This is the great deliverance. Hallelujah! After being delivered, you are gloriously translated, transferred or conveyed into the precious kingdom of Christ.

And this translation is from a worse kingdom of sin, sickness, wickedness, lack to the best kingdom ruled by Jesus, full of life and peace. This is why it’s pathetic for those who don’t know Jesus. Darkness rules over such folks. The devil molests them with all yokes and bondage. Beloved, in Christ, you’ve changed position and status. You are welcome to a new home, the family of God. Refuse to be entangled with bondage. Refuse to live as though you are still in the kingdom of darkness. Rejoice, for you are now in Christ’s kingdom highly seated with Him in power and glory. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

Thank You Glorious Father for such a great deliverance from the evil kingdom and a glorious translation into Your Kingdom. I am not who I used to be anymore because I function in the greatest kingdom of Jesus. I am superior to anything ungodly. For I reign in life through Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

◇ Enjoy A Gracious Wednesday ◇

Prayer Alert:
_Pray that God’s Spirit is causing you to enjoy the great deliverance._
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