Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds

24/7 DOXA Content 2019 THURSDAY, 21st March MAKING MOVES

Matthew 9 vs
20》》 “And suddenly, a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came from behind and touched the hem of His garment.”》》NKJV》


AS long as humans remain on this earth, they may face challenges in different aspect of life. Your calling into Christ is not a way of escape from life challenges. *Rather, it’s a call of empowerment to help you deal with the challenges of life unto victory using the weapons of God.* During Jesus’ early ministry, people with different situations approached Him for solutions. And through the scriptures, we understand how most people receive results or heart desires. *Whenever a heart desire is met, gladness become the order of the heart.*

Remember, to receive solution to the challenges you’re going through depends on your response to what is happening. There are natural responses to any problem of mankind. However, there comes a moment when natural solutions fail. When your situation defies natural remedy, the only sure way is to engage the supernatural solutions. *And faith is the best rule of engagement for supernatural solutions.* The woman with the issue of blood did her possible best consulting the best experts, but did not see positive results; Yes, NO ONE could HEAL her (Luke 8:43).

Since all her efforts proved futile, she ought to tune her effort unto Jesus when she heard of His exploits.* Cherished one, what made the woman whole was the release of her faith in the power source of Jesus Christ._ She did what she said in her heart (Matt 9:22). That shows she had real faith. She added corresponding actions to the thoughts of her heart by making faith moves to touch Jesus’ garment. Beloved, are you making faith moves or just sitting and talking? Until you make moves, you won’t make waves in this life. It’s time to make faith moves on the job, business, company, marriage, healing etc. And your faith in Christ will make you whole. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

Father of all wisdom, I appreciate your counseling. I refuse to sit idle and talk. Rather, I graciously choose to make faith moves for remarkable results. I give flesh to my faith. As I do so, I thank You for releasing Your power to provide solutions in every aspect of my life in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen !

*◇ Enjoy A Treasured Thursday ◇*

Prayer Alert:
_Pray that God’s Spirit would empower you to make faith moves for glorious waves._
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