Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds

24/7 DOXA Content 2019 SATURDAY, 12th October-KNOWING YOUR KING

Philippians 3 vs
10》”That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; “~《King James Version》

GLORIOUS greetings to you, Cherished one. Thanks be to the Father for all that He has lavished on us in Christ Jesus. Now that you aware that you are not in the kingdom of darkness but in the kingdom of God’s dear Son, you must consciously know the King. Every kingdom has a king. In the kingdom of God’s dear Son, Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords (1 Timothy 6:15). This knowing is more than just hearing about Jesus. It involves having a correct, precise, revealed knowledge of the Son of God.

They are many who “stop” knowing Him after they are born again. Many only know Him as a Saviour figure, but there is more in Him that you need to know. Papa God has given us the holy scriptures which reveal Christ the King. In our focal text, Apostle Paul who had been in the ministry for about thirty years still desired to know Him more and more. Beloved, when you truly know Jesus and believe who He says He is, it will bring a glorious transformation in your walk with God.

Jesus is not just a public figure. He is not a religious leader. He is not a messenger nor one of the prophets. He is not a good teacher who tried to raise followers. He is the Son of the Living of God (Matthew 16:16). He is God who tabernacled Himself in the flesh to save humanity (John 1:12-14). The scriptures say He alone has immortality (1 Timothy 6:16). Study Colossians 1:15-19). Get to know your King by the revelation of the holy scriptures as the Holy Spirit leads, teaches and guides you. There is no limit to the believer who really knows Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of lords. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.

Glorious Father, I thank You for the revelation of the word of Your grace which is able to build me up and unveil my inheritance in You. I humbly submit to the holy scriptures as the Holy Spirit, my Perfect Teacher teaches, guides and reveals to me the King of my life. I am being helped to fully know and enjoy Him without limits in Jesus Mighty Name. Hallelujah!

◇ Enjoy A Blessed Saturday ◇

Prayer Alert:
Pray and thank God for the revelation of the King through the scriptures and the Holy Spirit.
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